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History of Ukraine-Rus'. Vol. 3 : To the Year 1340 (2016) Hrushevsky M. (^ZДА^AHrushevsky^BM.^GMykhailo ^RГрушевський Михайло Сергійович, ^4340 Editor in Chief^ASysyn^BF. E. ^GFrank E. ^RСисин Франк, ^4340 Deputy Editor^APlokhy^BS.^GSerhii^RПлохій Сергій, ^4340 Managing Editor^APasicznyk^BU. M.^GUliana M., ^4340 Senior Editor^AYurkevich^BM.^GMyroslav^RЮркевич Мирослав, ^4340 Project Manager^AStech^BM. R.^GMarko R., ^4340 Editor^APlawuszczak–Stech^BT.^GTania, ^4340 Associate Editor^AHorban–Carynnyk^BM.^GMarta, ^4340 Assistant Editor^AHornjatkevyč^BA.^GAndrij, ^4340 Assistant Editor^ABednarsky^BD.^GDushan)
адреса матеріалу:
Hrushevsky, Mykhailo.
History of Ukraine-Rus' : vols. 1–10 (in 12 books) / M. Hrushevsky. - . - Edmonton, Toronto : Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 1997–.. - (The Hrushevsky Translation Project). - Translation of: Istoriia Ukraïny-Rusy. - Translators and editors vary. - Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Пер.загл. : Історія України-Руси
Vol. 3 : To the Year 1340 / M. Hrushevsky; Translated by Bohdan Strumiński; Edited by Yaroslav Fedoruk and Robert Romanchuk, Consulting Editors, and Frank E. Sysyn, Editor in Chief, with the assistance of Uliana M. Pasicznyk. – Edmonton, Toronto: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, 2016. – ISBN 1-895571-22-7 (set). – 978-1 -894865-45-6 (v. 3).

The preparation of this volume was made possible by the financial support of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Inc., USA.

Підготовка цього тому здійснена завдяки фінансовій підтримці Наукового Товариства ім. Шевченка в США.

The publication of volume 3 of the History of Ukraine Rus' has been funded by a generous donation from the estate of Edward Brodacky (1926-2007), who settled in London, England, after the Second World War.

Видання третього тому Історії України-Руси здійснено завдяки щедрому дарові із спадку Едварда Бродацького (1926-2007), який після Другої Світової Війни оселився у Лондоні, Великобританія.


The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research was established at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, in 1989. The Centre was endowed by Peter Jacyk of Toronto, who requested that the Centre undertake the translation of Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s Istoriia Ukraïny-Rusy (History of Ukraine-Rus'). Mr. Jacyk was an enthusiastic and dedicated supporter of the Hrushevsky Translation Project, and the Petro Jacyk Educational Foundation continues his commitment and legacy of support. The Project has also received support from the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies. Individual benefactors have undertaken the sponsorship of particular volumes. Numerous individual donors have also contributed to the funding of the Hrushevsky Translation Project.

The printing and dissemination of volume 3 of the History of Ukraine-Rus' have been funded by the BCU Foundation in Toronto.

Друк і розповсюдження третього тому Історії України-Руси здійснено завдяки фінансовій підтримці Фундації «Будучність», Торонто.

* * *

Volume 3 concludes the first cycle of the History of Ukraine-Rus', which Mykhailo Hrushevsky characterized as the story of the Ukrainian people’s historical existence from its beginnings to the collapse of statehood in the fourteenth century. Here Hrushevsky deals with one of that history’s least known but most intriguing periods—the time of the preeminence of the Galician-Volhynian state and the spread of Tatar (Mongol) rule over the Ukrainian lands. The volume also offers a comprehensive discussion of all aspects of political, social, and cultural life in the Old Rus' period.

In discussing the Galician-Volhynian state, Hrushevsky describes its first prince, Roman Mstyslavych, as an effective and forward-looking leader. His son Danylo Romanovych protected his state against the Tatars while seeking support from the West. That policy continued under Danylo’s successors, but with the extinction of the Riurykid dynasty the Galician-Volhynian lands were absorbed by Poland and Lithuania. During this same time the lands of the Dnipro region were experiencing the decline of the princely and military retinue system and increasing subordination to Tatar rule.

In examining life in Old Rus', Hrushevsky discusses the rights and relations of princes, the functions of princely servitors and administrative officials, the legal code and judicial system, military organization, church organization, and the composition and structure of society. He goes on to describe economic relations, family and social relations, religious life, education, and artistic creativity. He also examines Old Rus' writings, particularly the Kyiv and Galician-Volhynian Chronicles. Throughout, the master historian demonstrates the erudition and command of source materials for which he is renowned.

This volume features two introductions by contemporary scholars and a complete bibliography, including editorial updates, as well as four maps and a genealogical table.

Cover illustration of the “History of Ukraine-Rus’,” Volume 3: “Christ in His Glory,” from the Egbert (Trier) Psalter (11th century).

Jacket design: Michael Cherkas

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 Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press

 The Hrushevsky Translation Project: History of Ukraine-Rus′

Довідки про авторів:



History of Ukraine-Rus'
  • Vol. 1 : From Prehistory to the Eleventh Century (1997)
  • Vol. 3 : To the Year 1340 (2016)
  • Vol. 4 : Political Relations in the 14th to 16th Centuries (2017)
  • Vol. 5 : Sociopolitical and Church Organization and Relations in the Lands of Ukraine-Rus’ in the Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries (2019)
  • Vol. 6 : Economic, Cultural, and National Life in the Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries (2012)
  • Vol. 7 : The Cossack Age to 1625 (1999)
  • Vol. 8 : The Cossack Age, 1626–1650 (2002)
  • Vol. 9, book 1 : The Cossack Age, 1650–1653 (2005)
  • Vol. 9, book 2, part 1 : The Cossack Age, 1654–1657 (2008)
  • Vol. 9, book 2, part 2 : The Cossack Age, 1654–1657 (2010)
  • Vol.10 : The Cossack Age, 1657–1659 (2014)

    1. Зміст:
    2. Foreword. - vii
    3. Editorial Preface to the Hrushevsky Translation Project. - xvi
    4. Editorial Preface to Volume 3. - xviii
    5. Volume 3 of the History o f Ukraine-Rus' in Mykhailo Hrushevsky’s Creative Laboratory / Svitlana Pankova. - xxiii
    6. The Unparalleled Significance of Volume 3 in Hrushevsky’s History of Ukraine-Rus' / Volodymyr Aleksandrovych. - xlviii
    7. Glossary. - Ixxiii
    8. Maps. - Ixxviii
    9. Notes to the Maps. - Ixxxiii
    10. A Note from the Author. - xcv

    11. * * *
      I. The Galician-Volhynian State (the Thirteenth to Fourteenth Centuries). - 1-105
    12. A general survey (1). The formation of the state (1). The circumstances of Roman Mstyslavych’s coming to rule in Galicia (2); Kadłubek’s account (3); its absurdities (4); relations with the boyars (4). Roman’s activity—his relations with the Ruthenian princes (5-6), his campaigns against the Cumans (7), his alliance with Byzantium and Hungary (7), his relations with Poland (8); the legend about a papal embassy (9). Internal relations (9), hostility against the boyars (10); Roman’s popularity (10). A campaign against Poland and Roman’s death (11); the tradition about him (12).
    13. The Galician-Volhynian turmoils after Roman’s death—a general characterization (13). Intervention by Hungary and protection by the Hungarian king (13); a campaign by the Olhovyches (14); the Ihorevyches in Galicia (15) and in Volodymyr (16); the flight of Roman’s princess and her children (16). A feud between the Ihorevyches (17), changes in the Volodymyr domain (17), turmoils in Halych (18), a slaughter of boyars (19); the campaign of 1211 (20), the hanging of the Ihorevyches (21); Danylo Romanovych in Halych (21); Volodyslav Kormylchych’s ascent to the throne (22). The Spiś agreement (23); the division of Roman’s heritage (24); Coloman in Galicia (24); the matter of church union (24); an uprising of Galicians (25). King Andrew II’s conflict with Leszek I (25), Mstyslav Mstyslavych in Halych—the first time (26), Danylo Romanovych’s position (26-27), his first independent steps—he takes back the lands beyond the Buh (28). A new alliance between Leszek and Andrew and the expulsion of Mstyslav (28). Mstyslav in Halych for the second time (28), his break with Danylo (29), his agreement with Hungary (30), the king’s son Andrew in Peremyshl and the war of 1226-27 (31). Mstyslav’s abdication and death (32).
    14. The unification of the Volhynian lands by Danylo Romanovych (32), his relations with the Ruthenian (33) and Polish princes (34). The struggle for Halych—Danylo in Halych in 1230 (34-35), the boyars’ opposition (36), the candidacy of Oleksander Vsevolodovych of Belz (36), the Hungarian campaign of 1232 (36), Danylo takes control of Halych for the second time, in 1233 (37). The death of King Andrew (38), Danylo at the coronation of Béla IV (39); Danylo’s alliance with Austria and the policy of the Hungarian king (39). Danylo’s struggle with Rostyslav Mykhailovych in 1236-38 (40); the Galician turmoils during Batu’s campaign (41); the rule of the boyars in Galicia (42). Rostyslav’s marriage (43); the battle of Iaroslav of 1245 (44—45).
    15. The end of the Galician turmoils—the reasons for it (46). The division of lands between Danylo Romanovych and Vasylko Romanovych (46). The Tatars and their suzerainty—the account of Plano Carpini (47); the spread of Tatar suzerainty over Ukrainian lands (47), Danylo’s journey to the Horde (48). A change in Hungarian policy (48), an alliance with Danylo (49). Relations with the pope (50-51 ), a plan for a crusade (52-53), Danylo’s disappointment (53), his coronation (53), his break with the pope (54). Roman Danylovych’s marriage to Gertrude von Babenberg (54-55), Danylo’s participation in the struggle for the Austrian inheritance—a campaign into Silesia (55), the end of the Austrian episode (56) and further relations with Hungary (56). Relations with Poland (56), the occupation of Lublin (57). Relations with Lithuania in the first half of the thirteenth century (58), an alliance with Mindaugas (59), the occupation of the Iatviagian land (59), struggle and reconciliation with Mindaugas (60). A characterization of Danylo’s foreign policy (61). Relations with the Tatars—Danylo’s plans (61), gravitation toward the Tatars in Ukraine (62), the ‘Qurumshi war’ (62-63), campaigns by the Romanovyches against the ‘Tatars’ subjects’ (64), the arrival of Boroldai (65), the destruction of castles (65) and a campaign against Poland (66). Danylo Romanovych’s death (66), his characterization (67).
    16. Danylo’s successors—the position of Vasylko Romanovych (68), his death (68). Relations with Lithuania (69), Shvamo in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (69); wars with the Iatviagians (70). Relations with Poland (70); Lev Danylovych’s plans concerning the throne of Cracow (71), the second occupation of Lublin (72). Relations with Hungary (72); traces of conquests beyond the Carpathians (73). Relations with the Horde (74); the Galician-Volhynian state’s subordination to it—the manifestations of that subordination (74-75); Tatar devastations (75-76). Lev Danylovych and Volodymyr Vasylkovych—their characterization (77-78); Volodymyr’s testament (78); measures by Lev and [his son] Iurii (79); Mstyslav Danylovych as the prince of Volhynia (79). A dark period (80). Mstyslav’s inheritance (80-81); the unification of the Galician-Volhynian state under Iurii Lvovych (82); the political situation in the first years of the fourteenth century (82-83); the creation of the Halych metropolitanate (83); Iurii’s royal title (84); Iurii’s death (84). Lev Iuriiovych and Andrii Iuriiovych (85); their policies, alliance with Prussia, and relations with the Tatars (86-87), relations with Lithuania (87); participation in Hungarian affairs (88); Ruthenian lands and supporters beyond the Carpathians (88); the end of the Iuriiovyches (89). A princeless period (90); claimants (90-91); Iurii-Boleslav (91), the beginning of his reign (92); his foreign policy: alliance with Prussia (93) and position vis-à-vis Poland (93), alliance with Lithuania (94), a Polish-Hungarian alliance (94) and understanding on the issue of Galicia (95); traditions of Hungarian policy (96-97); Iurii-Boleslav’s relations with Hungary (97). Internal relations—reports about them (98), the matter of religion (99), support for German colonization (100), relations with the boyars (101); Iurii-Boleslav’s death (102); Liubartas’s candidacy (103), his role (103). Liubartas as the prince of Galicia-Volhynia (104—5).

    17. II. The Dnipro Region in the Latter Half of the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries. - 106-142
    18. A lack of information (106). Hyperbolism in the narratives about the Tatar devastations—reports about Volhynia and Galicia (106-7). Theories about a complete devastation of the Dnipro region (107); the struggle against them in scholarship (108). The Tatar destruction in reality (109); the fate of Ukrainian towns (109) and of the Ukrainian population (110); the improbability of a mass emigration (111); the continuity of colonization of the Dnipro region (112-13); direct Tatar suzerainty from the point of view of colonization (114). The anti-princely movement (114), the Bolokhiv people (115) and Bolokhiv princes (116); Danylo Romanovych’s struggle against them (116); other communities of ‘Tatar subjects’ and Danylo’s struggle against them (117); political strivings of those communities (117-18); the Tatars’ attitude to this movement (119) and the movement’s further fate (119). The Dnipro region under Tatar suzerainty (119), the expansion of this suzerainty (120); the Horde’s attitude to its subjects in Carpini’s account (121-22), his exaggeration (123). The Kyiv throne in the mid-thirteenth century (123-24); actual circumstances of Kyivan life (124 and 126); princes of the Putyvl dynasty in the Kyiv land (125); the situation of the Kyiv land under direct Tatar authority (127); the episode with Prince Fedir of Kyiv in 1331 (128). Indications of the princeless life of other domains—the Ros river valley (129); the Pereiaslav land (129). The Chemihiv lands (130): the Chemihiv throne (131) and princes (131); other local principalities (132), the principality of Briansk (132), the Viatichian principalities (133), the upper Oka principalities and their dynasties (133); the weakening of the Chemihiv land and its territorial losses (133-34). The system and relations in the Kyiv land under Tatar suzerainty (134). The situation of princes beyond the Dnipro (134-35); the episode with basqaq Ahmad (135-36); obligations vis-à-vis Tatar suzerainty (137); princes in the Horde (138); the demoralizing influence of Tatar suzerainty (138-39) and changes introduced by it into the life of the principalities beyond the Dnipro (139-40). The emigration of boyars and clergy from the Dnipro region of Ukraine (140), the transfer of the metropolitan throne from Kyiv (141), a decline of cultural life in the Dnipro region (141-42).

    19. III. The Political and Social System of the Ukrainian-Rusv Lands in the Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries. - 143-253
    20. Introductory remarks (143). The state system—the dynasty of Volodymyr Sviatoslavych and its position (144), the equal rights of princes (144), patriarchal relations (145), princely seniority (146); the family theory (146) and corrections to it (146); various factors in princely relations: the family factor, the brotherhood of princes (147), succession (148), princely agreements (149), influences of the land (149); various types of interprincely relations (150-51). Seniority: the senior’s rights (151) and functions (151—52), title (153); relations between senior and junior princes in individual lands (153). Princely congresses (154). The general character of the political system (154-55).
    21. The political organization of a land—its ideal scheme (155). Self-government by the land (156), the popular assembly (viche) in Ukraine (156). The functions of the popular assembly: the election and removal of the prince in Kyiv (157), the agreement (riad) (158); irregularity in this function of the popular assembly (158) and the causes of that irregularity (159); practices in other lands (159); the princes’ attitude to this function of the popular assembly (160). The participation of the popular assembly in other political matters—at the prince’s request (160) and at its own initiative (161). The fortified town (horod) and outlying towns (pryhorody) (162). The position of the princes vis-à-vis the popular assembly (162-63). The makeup of the popular assembly (163-64), the forms of the popular assembly’s convening (164) and deliberations (164), the place of deliberations and the adoption of decisions (166). The prince—forms of his induction as prince (166), the position of the prince in a land (167), the helplessness of a land without a prince (168). The functions of a prince: political, military (168), legislative, administrative (169), judicial, financial, participation in church affairs (169-70); the clergy’s view of princely authority (170-71).
    22. Government—the council of boyars (171), various views of it (171), the practice of consultations ( 172), the composition of the council and the substance of consultations (172-73), outside participants in them (174). The princely court (174), the majordomo, chancellor (174-75), masters of the table, masters of the bedchamber, keepers of the keys, princely servitors (tyvuny), and other servants (175-76). Local government (176), the chiliarchs (tysiats'ki) (176), hundreders (sotnyky) (177), and heads of ten (desiatnyky) (177), governors (178), ‘one-eighth men’ (osmnyky), tollkeepers (178), communal selfgovernment (179-80). Courts of law—the kinds of courts of law (180), the communal court (180) and its relation to the princely court of law (180), the princely court of law (181), agents of the court (182-83), the formalities of the trial—the investigation (183), the role of the wronged person (184-85), the role of the judge (185), judicial evidence (186), ordeals (187), the execution of a judicial verdict (188). The military organization—terminology (188); the military retinue (188-89), warriors (190), the conduct of war (190), the organization of the army (191), the law of war (192), weaponry and machines (192), tournaments (193). Finances—revenues (193), tribute, poliuddia (194), work obligations and other obligations in kind (195-96), special payments (196), princely husbandry (196-97); expenditures (197).
    23. Church organization—the Rus' Church’s relations with the patriarch and the emperor (198); instances of independent installation of metropolitans: the episode with Ilarion (199), the installation of Klym Smoliatych (199), the further story of that incident (200-203); the installation of Metropolitan Kyryl II (204). The matter of local metropolitanates: the metropolitanate of Pereiaslav (204), the plan for a Vladimir-Suzdal metropolitanate (204), establishment of the metropolitanate of Halych (205), its further history (205-6), and its abolition (207-8); the Lithuanian metropolitanate (208-9). The organization of the Rus' Church: the patriarch’s participation in its internal affairs (209-10), his court of law (211-12). The composition of the metropolitanate of Rus'—eparchies (213); relations between the metropolitan and bishops (213-14); the installation of bishops (213-14); other functions of the metropolitan (214-15). Episcopal administration (215-16), the cathedral chapter (klyros) (216), the episcopal court of law (217), church statutes (217-19), the scope of the church court of justice (219), the church people (219-20), the sources of church law (220); other, secular, functions of the bishops (220) and their participation in political life (221); the participation of the secular authority in church matters (221). Parishes (222); monasteries (222); church revenues—the tithe (223), estates (224), legacies (224), special fees (225), installation fees (stavil'noie) (225-26). The position of the Rus' Church under Tatar suzerainty (226). Catholic communities (227); bishops in partibus and missions (227); missionary bishops (228-29).
    24. Social strata (229). Princely people (230), the military retinue and its strata (231), boyar military retinues (231), the size of military retinues (232), their composition (232), heredity of offices (233-34); boyar estates (234-35), landed aristocracy in the military retinue (235); princely servants (236-37). The landed boyars—terminology (237), landed and capitalist boyars (238-39), their privileges (239). Burghers (239-40). The peasantry (240), smerdy (peasants) (241), their land ownership (242); outcasts (izhoi) and sharecroppers (siabry) (243), hirelings (zakupy) (243), abuses of hirelings and the legislative defense of their rights (244—46). Unfree people (246), sources of slavery (247), the legal status of slaves (247), their actual status (248), progress in the law (248-49); escape by slaves (250). Church people (250); the beginnings and development of the clerical stratum (251), requirements for the priesthood (251), its hereditary nature (252); religious and other categories of church people (253).

    25. IV. Everyday Life and Culture. - 254-383
    26. Economic relations: a general survey (254), obstacles to economic development (254); wars (255); Cuman raids (256). Weakening of the Dnipro region and the outflow of population (257); decline of the peasantry (257), the development of slavery (257) and large farms (258); slave labor in industry and handicrafts (259); land ownership (260), its development (260-61); handicrafts and industries (261); commerce (262), credit (263), usury and limitations on it (263-64). The monetary system (264), the hryvnia (264), other units of calculation (265-66); metal coins (266-67); the matter of animal-skin money (267).
    27. Law as a phenomenon of culture and everyday life—sources for learning about Old Rus' law: agreements with the Greeks (268), the Rus' Law—its redactions (268), their character (269-71), their place of compilation (271), their sources (272), the question of the reception of law—Scandinavian law (272) and Byzantine (272). The main principles of Old Rus' law (273), beginnings of subjective judgment (274); the system of punishments—revenge (275), head payment and wergild (276), mulct (277), the institution of spontaneous wergild (278); the death penalty (279), banishment and confiscation (279), bodily punishment (280). Civil law: lending and hiring, deposits (281), inheritance law (282), the circle of heirs (282), the testament (282). A general characterization of the law (283).
    28. Everyday life: family relations—relics of the clan (284), legal provisions—the Rus' Law (284), church statutes (285), church influences—on marital relations (286); the status of the wife (287), relations between spouses in Old Rus1 literary texts (287-88); ascetic viewpoints (288-89), the participation of women in church matters (289-90) and political ones (291); the status of the widow in law (291) and life (292); the situation of children (293-94); freedom in sexual relations (294); concubinage and polygamy (294-95); foul language (295). The main vices of society as depicted by Old Rus' moralists—sexual freedom (295), drunkenness (296), invectives against drunkenness (296-97); abuses of authority (297), teachings for princes (298-99); abuses in dealing with domestics (299-300); usury (300), interest-taking (300). Pictures of life: Monomakh’s (301), the rich man’s life in a discourse about the rich man and Lazarus (302), pictures from other texts (303), archaeological material as an illustration of everyday life—objects of attire and ornament (303-6).
    29. Christianity and its cultural influences—the spread of Christianity (306), remnants of paganism (307), dual faith (308), Christian covers on the old life, pious hypocrisy (308-9); influences of Christianity (309); ritualism (310); pilgrimages (310), disputes over fasting (311-12), religious exclusivity (312). Extremities of ascetism—the attitude toward women (313), and about amusements and art (314). Political themes in preaching (314), the sanctification of authority (315). Monasticism (316), beginnings of monasteries (316), Antonii (316) and Feodosii of the Kyivan Monastery of the Caves (317); the Studite rule (317); the Caves Monastery and its authority (318); forms of asceticism (319); excessive respect for monasticism (320); statistics concerning monasteries (321); Rus1 monasteries beyond the borders of Rus' (322).
    30. Art—architecture (322): types of church construction (323-24), building techniques (325-26), ornamentation of churches (326), Rus' masters (327-28); the Galician type of church (328), external decoration (328) and interior ornaments (329-30); non-ecclesiastical structures (330-31); wood construction (331). Carving (332). Painting: frescoes—St. Sophia, ecclesiastical (332-33) and secular (334), the frescoes of St. Cyril (334); icon painting (334-35); miniatures (336). Mosaic (336), St. Sophia mosaics (336-37) and St. Michael (338). Cloisonné enamel—its beginnings and technique (339), enamel small pictures (340), expensive book covers with enamels (340), Mstyslav’s Gospel (340), pouch ear pendants (341) and other enamel decorations (342). Jewelry making—its motifs: spiral (342), engraving (342), ear pendants of the so-called Kyiv type (343), filigree and granulation (343-44); domestic production of artifacts (345). Music (345), church singing (346), domestic creativity (346).
    31. Education—differences in views (346), the matter of schooling in Old Rus' (347-48), subjects of school instruction (348-50), sources of knowledge—book reading (350), the circle of knowledge (350), theological reading (352-53), secular reading (354), apocryphal literature (354-55). Original literature—incompleteness of information (355); preponderance of church interests (356), the general character of theological and moralistic literature (357), its higher and lower school (357); Ilarion (357-58), Klym Smoliatych (359), Kyrył of Turiv (360), anonymous authors—encomia of St. Clement (360-61) and the encomium of Riuryk (361). The simple manner—Klym’s polemic with Presbyter Foma (362), Luka Zhydiata (362), Feodosii of the Caves Monastery (363), Iakiv the Monk, Monomakh (363), anonyms of the twelfth century, Heorhii of Zarub, Serapion (364), encomium of Feodosii (364), anonymous literature (365). Greek writers—religious polemic (365), Metropolitans Lev, Heorhii, loan (365-66), Nykyfor, Theodosios the Greek (366); canonical writings (367); teachings by Metropolitan Nykyfor (367). Hagiographie works—Iakiv the Monk, tales about Borys and Hlib, works by Nestor (368-69), writings about St. Nicholas, tales about Dior Olhovych (369), Symon’s and Polikarp’s tales (369). Pilgrims’ travelogues (370). Historical literature (370), the Hypatian Codex (370), the Kyiv Chronicle (371), the Galician-Volhynian Chronicle (372), general features of Old Rus1 historiography (373-74), its form (374-75). Secular works: the Supplication of Danyil (375), the Tale oflhor’s Campaign (376), Old Rus1 poetry and artistic prose of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries (376), remnants of poetic works (377), reflections of princely times in contemporary song (377-79). A general view of Old Rus' literature (379), hypercritical views in recent scholarly literature (380).
    32. A general view of the political and cultural evolution of Old Rus': the state building process (380), elements of cultural evolution (381), a break in political and cultural life (381), the significance of that event (382-83).

    33. Notes. - 384-510
    34. 1. The Literature on the Galician-Volhynian State of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. - 384
    35. 2. Polish and Other Western Reports about the Death of Roman. - 393
    36. 3. Several Genealogical Questions. - 396
    37. 4. The Hanging of the Ihorevyches. - 398
    38. 5. The Spiś Agreement and Coloman’s Coronation. - 400
    39. 6. Mstyslav Mstyslavych the Successful. - 404
    40. 7. Reports in Hungarian Charters about King Andrew’s Campaign into Volhynia and Other Hungarian Campaigns into Galicia. - 407
    41. 8. The Austrian Episode of Danylo Romanovych’s Policy. - 409
    42. 9. The Tradition about the Last Years of Lev Danylovych’s Life and the Date of His Death. - 412
    43. 10. A Record in Długosz’s History about the Death of Iurii Lvovych. - 416
    44. 11. The Charters of Andrii II Iuriiovych, Lev II Iuriiovych, and Iurii-Boleslav. - 418
    45. 12. The Literature on the Last Decades of the Galician-Volhynian State. - 419
    46. 13. The Galician-Volhynian Princes’ War against Lithuania and the Loss of the Brest-Dorohychyn Land. - 423
    47. 14. Władysław the Short’s Letter about the Last Romanovyches. - 426
    48. 15. The Narrative by John of Winterthur . - 428
    49. 16. Iurii-Boleslav. - 429
    50. 17. Liubartas’s Marriage. - 432
    51. 18. The Polish-Hungarian Alliance. - 436
    52. 19. The Story of Iurii-Boleslav’s Conflict with Hungary. - 437
    53. 20. Reports about the Death of Iurii-Boleslav. - 438
    54. 21. The Literature on the Bolokhiv People and the Anti-Princely Movement. - 440
    55. 22. The Political System of Old Rus'. - 442
    56. 23. The Literature on the Church System in Old Rus1. - 454
    57. 24. The Galician and Lithuanian Metropolitanate. - 459
    58. 25. The Literature on the Social System of Old Rus'. - 462
    59. 26. Outcasts, Sharecroppers, and Hirelings: The Literature. - 465
    60. 27. Economic Relations: Money. - 467
    61. 28. The Literature on Old Rus1 Law and Its Sources. - 473
    62. 29. The Question of Reception in Old Rus' Law. - 477
    63. 30. The Literature on Family Law. - 479
    64. 31. The Literature on Old Rus' Art. - 480
    65. 32. The Question of Education in Old Rus'. - 484
    66. 33. The Literature on Writings in Translation in Old Rus'. - 487
    67. 34. The Literature on Old Rus’ Writings. - 490
    68. 3 5. The Writings of Kyryl of Turiv. - 492
    69. 36. Texts of Old Rus' Hagiography. - 494
    70. 37. The Chronicles. - 498
    71. 38. The Literature on the Tale of Ihor 's Campaign and the Supplication of Danyil the Exile . - 502
    72. Additional Note: The Eurasian Context. - 508
    73. Addendum: Writing, Reading, and Rhetoric: ‘Lettered Education’ in Kyivan Rus' / Robert Romanchuk. - 511
    74. The Genealogy of Roman Mstyslavych’s Dynasty. - 525
    75. Note to the Genealogical Table. - 526

    76. * * *
      Bibliography. - 528
    77. Abbreviations . - 528
    78. Unpublished Sources. - 529
    79. Published Sources. - 529
    80. Secondary Literature. - 547
    81. Tables of Rulers and Hetmans. - 592
    82. Translations and Publications Consulted. - 609
    83. Index. - 611

    Hrushevsky, Mykhailo

    Sysyn, Frank E. (editor in chief)

    Plokhy, Serhii (deputy editor)

    Pasicznyk, Uliana M. (managing editor)

    Yurkevich, Myroslav (senior editor)

    Stech, Marko R. (project manager)

    Plawuszczak–Stech, Tania (editor)

    Horban–Carynnyk, Marta (associate editor)

    Hornjatkevyč, Andrij (assistant editor)

    Bednarsky, Dushan (assistant editor)

    Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

    The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research

    Strumiński, Bohdan (transl.)

    Fedoruk, Yaroslav (consulting editor)

    Romanchuk, Robert (consulting editor)

    Sysyn, Frank E. (editor in chief)

    Pasicznyk, Uliana M. (assistant editor)



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