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Михайло Грушевський у діяльності Української партії соціалістів-революціонерів: текст і контекст джерел : автореф. ... канд. іст. наук : 07.00.06 (2019) Хоменко В. О.
адреса матеріалу:

Хоменко Віталій Олексійович

Михайло Грушевський у діяльності Української партії соціалістів-революціонерів: текст і контекст джерел : автореф. ... канд. іст. наук : 07.00.06 / В. О. Хоменко; Інститут української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського НАН України. – Київ, 2019. – 18 с.

Дисертація присвячена комплексному джерелознавчому дослідженню історичних джерел, які висвітлюють політичну діяльність М. Грушевського в УПСР. Встановлено, що питання тісної співпраці історика з есерівською партією належить до малодосліджених тем грушевськознавства.

Здійснено комплексне дослідження інформаційного потенціалу документів УПСР, КП(б)У, органів радянської влади, публіцистики, епістолярію та мемуарної літератури для з’ясування ролі М. Грушевського у діяльності УПСР. Дослідження репрезентованої джерельної бази дало змогу виділити етапи співпраці М. Грушевського з есерівською партією, прослідкувати еволюцію політичних поглядів історика за кордоном, дослідити причини відходу від активної діяльності в УПСР, причини повернення до України.

The thesis addresses the issue of the complex source study research of the historical sources, which highlight the political activities of M. Hrushevsky in the Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionary Party. The study establishes that the issue of historian’s close collaboration with the Party of SRs remains scarcely researched among the subjects of Hrushevsky study.

The scientific novelty of the study consists of the first attempt for the complex research of informational potential of the documents of the Ukrainian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the Communist (Bolshevik) Party of Ukraine, bodies of the Soviet authority, journalism, epistolary literature and memoirs to identify the role of M. Hrushevsky in the activities of the Ukrainian Party of SRs. The study of the represented source base enables to identify the stages of M. Hrushevsky’s collaboration with the party of SRs, follow the evolution of historian’s political views abroad, study the reasons for his withdrawal from massive activities in the Ukrainian Party of SRs, and, consequently, the reasons to return to Ukraine.

The thorough scientific literature study makes it possible to indicate the absence of a special research which would directly report on collaboration of M. Hrushevsky with the Ukrainian Party of SRs. Historians have taken unreasonably little interest in the political party activities of the prominent Ukrainian in the age of Ukrainian Revolution in 1917-1923, as well as in other periods of his life. Moreover, the source base of the politician’s collaboration with SRs has been poorly studied.

This study uses the sources which are collected in the funds of Central State Archives of Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine, Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine, Central State Archives of Foreign Archival Ucrainica, Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Manuscript and Textual Studies Department of Shevchenko Institute of Literature of The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Manuscripts of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, and also previously published source materials. After a thorough analysis of source studies, the paper reveals the fact that M. Hrushevsky’s collaboration with the Ukrainian Party of SRs lasted from the moment the historian came back to Ukraine in March 1917 till March 1924, when he returned to his homeland.

It should be mentioned, that M. Hrushevsky came back to Kyiv in March 1917 as a member of the Partnership of Ukrainian Progressives. The information about this period of M. Hrushevsky’s connection with the party of SRs can be mainly found in journals and memoirs. Some facts can be seen in letters. It has been proved that the politician still belonged to the Partnership of Ukrainian Progressives in March 1917 but then, having considered some realities of revolutionary struggle and realised that the political ideas of the Partnership of Ukrainian Progressives did not respond to the demands of the time, he refocused on the support of the Ukrainian Party of SRs, which party programmes complied in a lot of thing with his personal perspective of Ukraine’s future. In the age of the Directorate of Ukraine, M. Hrushevsky made an attempt to return to big Ukrainian politics, in this, he publicly acted as one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Party of SRs, though he was not its official member. The study reveals the information about this period of his life from the SRs’ press, promotional writings, autobiographies, journals and memoirs. They mainly describe the engagement of M. Hrushevsky in the elections to the Labour Congress of the Directorate, and basically the Congress meetings. The politician had a prominent role in the party conference of the Ukrainian Party of SRs on 28 January 1919 and the events of March 1919 in Kamianets-Podilskyi.

Eventually, in March 1919, M. Hrushevsky under the pressure of both objective and subjective difficulties, had to go abroad to continue his political activities from there.

The study demonstrates, that it is the emigrational period of M. Hrushevsky’s party activities in the Ukrainian Party of SRs which is widely covered in the sources. They demonstrate information about such issues as: international political activities of M. Hrushevsky; politician’s activities as the head of the Foreign Delegation of the Ukrainian Party of SRs and his political ideology; party conflicts amongst separate groups of SRs abroad; contacts of the famous historian with the officials of Soviet Ukraine; his returning to motherland, and other. It should be stressed, that M. Hrushevsky was the permanent head of the Foreign Delegation of the Ukrainian Party of SRs over all the years of its existence.

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Пов'язані документи:

  • Хоменко В. О. Михайло Грушевський у діяльності Української партії соціалістів-революціонерів: текст і контекст джерел : дис. ... канд. іст. наук : 07.00.06 (2018)

  • Попередній перегляд:         Завантажити - 758.202 Kb

     Оголошення про захист дисертації 28 березня 2019 року на сайті Інституту української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського НАН України

     Автореферат на сайті Інституту української археографії та джерелознавства ім. М. С. Грушевського

    Довідки про авторів:


    Хоменко, Віталій Олексійович


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