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Чи визискував М. Грушевський своїх львівських учнів? Спроба деконструкції історіографічного міфу Тельвак В. В.
адреса матеріалу:

Тельвак Віталій Васильович

Чи визискував М. Грушевський своїх львівських учнів? Спроба деконструкції історіографічного міфу / В. В. Тельвак, В. П. Педич // Вісник Черкаського університету. Серія: Історичні науки. – Черкаси, 2022. – № 2. – C. 18–26.

В статті здійснено деконструкцію історіографічного міфу про визиск М. Грушевським його львівських учнів. На багатьох прикладах доведено доброзичливе й опікунське ставлення вченого до власних вихованців, що проявлялося в невтомному науковому супроводі та підтримці в суто життєвих ситуаціях. Зроблено висновок про «батьківський» стиль ставлення М. Грушевського до молоді, яка завжди з пієтетом сприймала допомогу від старшого колеги.

Abstract. Introduction. One of the most enduring historiographical stereotypes associated with M. Hrushevsky concerns the attitude of the historian towards his younger colleagues – his students in Lviv and Kyiv. The scientific fruitfulness of the author of the «History of Ukraine-Rus», unprecedented in Ukrainian culture, was explained by contemporaries first, and later by historiographers of the 20th century, as the result of considerable help from Hrushevsky’s students. The nature of this aid – voluntary or coercive – has been debated for more than a century by sympathizers and opponents of the historical ideology and socio-political practice of the Great Ukrainian. In our research, we will try to consider the mentioned problem on the example of the Lviv School of Ukrainian Studies and reproduce the nature of creative cooperation between the teacher and his Galician students.

The article aims to clarify the problem of cooperation between M. Hrushevsky and his Lviv students in the general context of the psychological climate of the Galician school of Ukrainian studies.

Results. In the light of the given information, the thesis about M. Hrushevsky’s exploitation of his Lviv pupils looks like complete nonsense. Moreover, we have every reason to say that it is the author of the «History of Ukraine-Rus» who appears to be the most «exploited» party, because he spent a lot of his own time and effort free of charge to achieve the ideal goal of the Ukrainian scientific movement of that time – the training of young humanitarians who were to come instead of the older generation. In the end, this is what happened, because it was the students of the Lviv historical school, and later their students, who set the trend in Ukrainian socio-humanitarianism – first on the mainland, and later in diaspora centers.

Originality. The article specifically deconstructs the historiographical myth about M. Hrushevsky’s exploitation of his Lviv students for the first time.

Conclusion. It should be noted that the issue of the psychological climate of Ukrainian scientific schools is an important, but still little-known problem of modern historiography.

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Довідки про авторів:


Довідки про персоналії:


Тельвак, Віталій Васильович

Педич, Василь Пилипович


Грушевський Михайло Сергійович


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